Amber Summerz Amber Summerz

Listen Then Exit

Often, outsiders only witness the superficial aspects of a relationship, not the deep layers beneath the surface. To them, it might seem perfect. My mother constructed this narrative during her 27-year marriage to my father. If someone on the inside could glimpse the reality behind those closed doors, they would likely identify it as a toxic relationship.

So, how do you characterize a toxic relationship in your view?

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Amber Summerz Amber Summerz

Effects of trauma

When we talk about trauma, not everyone understands the full effects it can have on you and your body. Trauma is an emotional response to a horrible event like an accident, rape, abuse, neglect, or natural disaster, to name a few. Directly after the occurrence, shock and denial are typical.

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Amber Summerz Amber Summerz

The Powerful Truth

Audio Transcript for - “The Powerful Truth” - Episode 2 of “You Aren't Broken, You're Building” - With Amber Summerz.

On October 31st, 2020, my father murdered my mother, then turned the gun on himself. Now, this is all after 27 years of marriage! You could only imagine this impact on my family and a shocked community. To everyone else, they saw our family as the family who had it all. The picture-perfect life, the cars, the house, the nice closets. Only for the truth to hit the fan and people to see the secret we kept hidden our entire life. We lived our whole life in fear at the hands of a monster we called dad.

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Amber Summerz Amber Summerz

Its Happening

Audio Transcript for - “It’s Happening” - Episode 1 - Intro of “You Aren't Broken, You're Building” - With Amber Summerz.

I’m a survivor and an advocate of Domestic Violence, Child Abuse & Sexual Assault; I believe it's beyond important for individuals who have faced trauma to have support. My purpose is for them to know they aren't broken; they are building. Which is the motto I live by! I fell victim my entire childhood to abuse and domestic violence at the hands of my father & so did my family. I was fortunate enough to break free from that toxic & abusive environment as I grew older. Unfortunately, my mother did not.

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Amber Summerz Amber Summerz

People Magazine - Va. Wife Is Murdered by Husband Days After Handing Him Separation Papers, Then Man Kills Himself

Police in Virginia says a 57-year-old man responded to being served with separation papers by killing his wife of 25 years in a murder-suicide.

Peter Francis, Sr., shot and killed his wife, Michele Francis, 53, on Saturday night before turning the gun on himself, according to a statement from the Stafford County Sheriff's Office.

The murder-suicide happened days after Michele presented her husband with separation papers.

Officers responded to the couple's Stafford home shortly after 10 p.m., after receiving 911 calls from people who'd heard two gunshots.

Those officers discovered the two bodies in the bedroom the couple shared.

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